Tobirama Release!

Bueno amigos, hoy os vengo a traer a Tobirama.

Un personaje, que aunque admito que no me gusta taaaanto como personaje, como char me es realmente interesante, ya que soy amante de los ataques de agua de toda la vida, desde Pokemon jajajajaj

El char, en mi opinion, ha quedado bastante completo. He conseguido unos buenos efectos para poder lograr lo que queria, asi que estoy muy contento con el resultado.

Vereis, hace tiempo yo pensaba en la “Operacion Hokage Revivido”, pero nunca me ponia a hacerlo, ya que me daba bastante pereza, pero… ahora si, puedo confirmar mis 2 proximos chars:


Como veis, se trata de hacer a los 4 primeros Hokages, y 2 de ellos estan terminados hoy con esto.

IMPORTANTE: Sobre minato, sera un Minato solo en modo KCM. No vayais a pensar que es el Minato Edo que estaba haciendo anteriormente. Sera un char nuevo que se mantenga todo el rato en el modo chakra de Kyubi.

Como podeis ver tambien, he decidido unificar las secciones NZC y NEW NZC, y esto se debe, a que realmente solo ha cambiado un poco el estilo. La idea era darle vida de nuevo a la coleccion, por lo que he decidido unirlas, y del todo ya revivir la seccion NZC de siempre.

Lo malo de esto, es que si sois nuevos en la pagina no sabreis que chars usan cada estilo, pero realmente para mi no es muy importante. Soy bastante maniatico con estas cosas, pero creo que los 2 estilos encajan perfectamente, ya que el segundo solo es una remodelacion del primero.

Y lo bueno, es que ya que se puede considerar que actualmente trabajo en NZC, tal vez haga cambios en los chars anteriores. No os alarmeis, no voy a remodelarlos ni nada, pero simplemente me refiero a cosas como ponerle a Kakashi el Susanoo azul, pero ya iremos hablando sobre eso.

Por ahora lo importante es que estare haciendo NZC de momento.

Asi que con esto termino mi explicacion de hoy. Ahora, lo importante, aqui el char:




Tobirama Presentacion.png


Espero que os guste y que lo disfruteis.

Un saludo!


21 thoughts on “Tobirama Release!

  1. Hello my friend!
    First, I want to apologize, I missed your birthday = (
    I hope you’re good to celebrate, and your friends sent you!
    Taking this opportunity, I want to wish the chief, I wish you health!
    If you are healthy, you can achieve anything you want!
    You are the best for me and will always be the best!
    I hope it’s okay is translated from Russian into English and from English to Spanish =)
    if there is something not clear, I will say briefly, I wish you all the best! =)
    As for the characters …
    I will say this, before, when you let the characters, I just put it on the list, replacing the fact that I have. I knew that your character is in any case better.
    But your last three characters … I do not know, they look like a demo version of your old work … without awakening. Hashirama needed healing, he can you know. Jiraiya needs Sanin mode Tobirama uses Edo Tensei
    I really want to add them to my roster …
    or may be you just spoiled us=)
    As for the update, I am really looking forward to them =)
    you know, what I have said many times:
    Replace for Nagato Down A, for Mega shinra tensei. he has one good chibaku tensei on Down B, he dnt need that Down A (and that so usless on gameplay)
    And replace Sasuke Down C on move with nice chibaku tensei ( u remeber my pictures :D) he has many moves with susano, and move with graviti chibaku will REALLY REALLY GOOD, trust me=)
    again thank you and good luck my friend=)
    What if you do not understand, just write about it =)


  2. And do not forget that you are a model for the rest of coders!
    You have made the first NZC character, with many techniques, balance, and play was really interesting!
    I’m scared to remember those times mgssj2 and cliff, that coders are great,legend and i really respect that guys, but the gameplay was just boring …
    we just press a button and watch as a character does more or less damage.
    You have changed, and now guys how malusardi,nimpos,shingeki,sector, bills and another guys, like take your example, and I think that for them you’re a teacher and legend mugen.
    Therefore, apply a good example =)


  3. One of my dreams is turning into reality hahahaha
    Good luck Mikel,and i want to ask you for a character.. Itachi,planning do one when you finish the ”Kage’s resurrection project”?


  4. Good char Mikel! I always wanted a char of tobirama that has really something different, there some chars of him but all of them seens to be the same thing! So i liked what you did with this one, he will have a place in my mugen. Hope to see more of this man Good luck!


  5. Mikel, após o “projeto Kages” poderia considerar fazer alguns dos akatsuki que faltam, e tem personagens bastantes legais e com suas idéias eles podem dar uma mecânica bem interessante, Sasori, Kakuzu, Kisame(agora com esses lindos sprites do spectro), E um Pain eu adoraria ver o que você faria em um char como pain tendo. também tem os sprites da kaguya feito pelo se não me engano “RBM Kyuubi” que estão lindos também, ainda mais ela que tem uma mecanica unica no naruto storm 4, acho que seria bastante interessante, e quem sabe um “obito rikudou mode”. um grande abraço amigo, e obrigado por tudo que você já fez pelo mugen haha e o que vai fazer ainda. fiquei muito feliz com seu retorno. estamos juntos ^^


    • muchas gracias por todo!, sobre los akatsuki… muchas veces lo he pensado, tal vez haga alguno mas adelante. Sobre kaguya, tengo los sprites, y me alegro mucho de que rbm kyubi los haya echo, ya que tarde o temprano me gustaria hacer a kaguya, y sobre obito rikudou.. tambien, creo yo que es cuestion de tiempo, lo acabare haciendo, ya que es practicamente mi personaje favorito


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